Thursday, December 18, 2008

Christmas season

Does it get any better than Christmas time? Really....especially in Florida. We had upper 70's today and perfect golf weather. I guess you could miss the snow and cold if you REALLY thought that was important to make the season what it should be. I've longer do I need to go to Iowa to enjoy Christmas.
Just for the record, I did have a pickup of firewood delivered today....should last me 2-3 years probably. I make quite a few fires when you consider the temperatures they're being made in. (Sometimes I just have to drop the A/C a little lower....)
Enjoy the season, whatever and wherever you are this year. We have so much to be thankful for. All we have to do is start thinking about our family and friends, and go from there. I got to play golf with a best friend, my wife made a great supper, I got a good workout at the gym, and watched a movie tonight....and did very little work. What a great day. I could get use to that.
Be a reminder for somebody today that they are truly blessed.

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