Thursday, April 9, 2009

Advice For the Gym Rat.....

They don't call me Silver Fox for nothing.
I don't want to hear that this blog doesn't have something for everybody. Take today for example..... Here's a thought on "throwing the steel around" at the gym, (as I so eloquently describe working out to my wife).

Now when some guys around you finish a set, after grunting through their reps, they drop the weights to the floor and we all hear "da boom" as it resonates through the gym. (The "da" was the first bounce, and the "boom" was the second hit to the floor.) These are usually big guys lifting heavy weights... Fortunately for me, I don't get intimidated easy. I just have to use some specific techniques to be in the free weight area.....

Now, you don't want be the guy that drops his weights after a set and hears them go "tink", with no double sound..... not good. SO, not that I need to do this, but I've thought about this technique for those who might not be able to throw the heavy stuff around....

As you're finishing your set, you kinda THROW the weights down, not just drop them. THEN you get more of a "tha thud". Sure, it's not a "da boom", but it's not a "tink" either.... and you get the double bounce. Pretty good stuff, huh? Nobody stares at you and smiles... so I'm told.

NOTE-- Don't throw the weights down too hard. Especially if they are pretty you have a good chance of breaking your nose on the high bounce...... and how are you going to explain that too one....
By the way, if I run into you this week, you might notice the nose brace from when I saved the widow lady from being robbed by three thugs. One of them caught me while I working on the other two.....


Ben and Kami said...

is it ok to say that I am laughing pretty hard at this blog! thanks for the smile today!

earwooda said...

This is one of your better postings, Dad! Really funny stuff - I'm still smiling...

Dennis Steen said...

Was that picture taken after you were relaxed and off guard for the camera?

Edward said...

This is the first time I ever remembering you talk about working out! You have quite an imagination.