30 Days to Live -- Day 10
I know a few people (I won't mention names) that come to mind when I think about forgiveness. Mostly those who have trouble forgiving, not those who do it readily and quickly...... This issue has not been a particular problem for me....(I've got plenty of others to keep me busy)... but I have definitely seen the destruction take place.
Listen to this passage from the book --
"If you try to live without forgiving, you won't survive. It is essential that we forgive for our own sakes; otherwise we'll drown in betterness. The deeper you allow yourself to go into the ocean of resentment, the more you'll feel the pressure and the stress. Eventually the pressure will become so intense that your relatioships, joy, and health will be crushed. Medical and psychological research reveal that bitterness and resentment have devastating effects. We think that if we hold on to our hurt, we're getting b ack at the person who injured us. In reality we're just hurting ourselves. If we wnat to enjoy our lives to the fullest, we must release the bitterness."
If you only had one month to live, what would you ask forgiveness for? From whom? Whom would you need to forgive?
This blog is going nowhere.....specifically. Each post might be "off the wall", an inspirational thought, spiritual insight, an attempt at humor, or just plain sharing what's on my mind -- the most dangerous of all.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Live Passionately -- The Test of Time
"One Month to Live" -- Day 3
Can you think of the last time you asked a friend how he was doing, and he said, "Great. Things are really moving slowly. I have plenty of time to get everthing done and spend quality time with my family and friends." I didn't think so......
We can't change the past, but we can redeem the remaining time. The only way you and I can make the most of our remaining time is to spend each day in such a way that we leave behind a worthwhile legacy on this earth. If you waste your time, you waste your life. And if we're going to use our time in such a way that we leave a lasting mark on the earth, then we have to use our time effectively.
We have all heard about the 80/20 rule. Basically, 20 percent of what you do brings about most of the results in your life, and 80 percent of what you do is pretty much wasted time. If you spend more time in the areas that bring you the most results and less time in ineffective pursuits, then you will accomplish more by doing less!
Our priorities contribute powerfully to how we perceive time and how we spend it. How we invest our time can determine the difference between a sense of contentment, because you know you are doing exactly what you were made for, and a sense of regret. If you want to live with no regrets, then you may need to inventory your life and see how you've been spending your time.
Better yet, do a cost-benefit analysis of your time to determine if how you spend your days produces the benefits you desire. Jack Groppel, a peak-performance coach, says time management is really energy management. I totally agree. You can experience the effect of multiplying your time by effectively managing how you apply your energy each day. If we appreciate our time as a precious gift to spend, then we're much more likely to be engaged and motivated to make it count.
What consumes most of your time each day? How meaningful is it? How satisfying is it? How much of any given day do you spend doing only what you do best? What activities in your life would you consider wasted time? What keeps you from using that time in more meaningful ways?
Can you think of the last time you asked a friend how he was doing, and he said, "Great. Things are really moving slowly. I have plenty of time to get everthing done and spend quality time with my family and friends." I didn't think so......
We can't change the past, but we can redeem the remaining time. The only way you and I can make the most of our remaining time is to spend each day in such a way that we leave behind a worthwhile legacy on this earth. If you waste your time, you waste your life. And if we're going to use our time in such a way that we leave a lasting mark on the earth, then we have to use our time effectively.
We have all heard about the 80/20 rule. Basically, 20 percent of what you do brings about most of the results in your life, and 80 percent of what you do is pretty much wasted time. If you spend more time in the areas that bring you the most results and less time in ineffective pursuits, then you will accomplish more by doing less!
Our priorities contribute powerfully to how we perceive time and how we spend it. How we invest our time can determine the difference between a sense of contentment, because you know you are doing exactly what you were made for, and a sense of regret. If you want to live with no regrets, then you may need to inventory your life and see how you've been spending your time.
Better yet, do a cost-benefit analysis of your time to determine if how you spend your days produces the benefits you desire. Jack Groppel, a peak-performance coach, says time management is really energy management. I totally agree. You can experience the effect of multiplying your time by effectively managing how you apply your energy each day. If we appreciate our time as a precious gift to spend, then we're much more likely to be engaged and motivated to make it count.
What consumes most of your time each day? How meaningful is it? How satisfying is it? How much of any given day do you spend doing only what you do best? What activities in your life would you consider wasted time? What keeps you from using that time in more meaningful ways?
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Live Passionately -- Someday Syndrome
"One Month to Live" -- Day 2
Often we're tempted to play it safe and settle for far less than we were made for. I know so many people whose favorite day of the week is Someday. Someday. One day. When. If. Then it's over. When are we going to wake up and realize this is life?
God did not design us simply to stand by and watch life pass as we wonder why we aren't more fulfilled. God created us to take risks in faith and to conquer the giants that paralyze us with fear. (Remember that little shepherd boy David?) Saul and the army of Israel were operating on the basis of reason. David was operating on the basis of faith. When you're operating on the basis of reason, all you can see is how big your giants are. If you're operating in faith, all you can see is how small your giants are compared to God. The one thing that separated David from the thousands who were there that day was ridiculous faith.
The world says, "Don't be ridiculous; be reasonable. Don't stand out. Don't take risks; play it safe, and make security and comfort your primary goals in life." God calls us to a life of faith, lving every moment all out for Him.
Are you doing anything in your life right now that requires faith? If not, why not? Are you looking at life from God's perspective or from a ground-level perspective?
Often we're tempted to play it safe and settle for far less than we were made for. I know so many people whose favorite day of the week is Someday. Someday. One day. When. If. Then it's over. When are we going to wake up and realize this is life?
God did not design us simply to stand by and watch life pass as we wonder why we aren't more fulfilled. God created us to take risks in faith and to conquer the giants that paralyze us with fear. (Remember that little shepherd boy David?) Saul and the army of Israel were operating on the basis of reason. David was operating on the basis of faith. When you're operating on the basis of reason, all you can see is how big your giants are. If you're operating in faith, all you can see is how small your giants are compared to God. The one thing that separated David from the thousands who were there that day was ridiculous faith.
The world says, "Don't be ridiculous; be reasonable. Don't stand out. Don't take risks; play it safe, and make security and comfort your primary goals in life." God calls us to a life of faith, lving every moment all out for Him.
Are you doing anything in your life right now that requires faith? If not, why not? Are you looking at life from God's perspective or from a ground-level perspective?
I know, I know.....
It's been over a week since I've stopped in to "talk"..... Sorry. However, I have a good reason, and I'll prove it with a picture. I've had out of town company in and was busy deepening relationships. (I'm not sure about the lady in front of me.... I guess she's a little upset about my bad stomach....)

I've said it before, and believe it strongly, that our time can never be spent better than investing in other people. My brother Craig came to town, as well as my best buddy "Iron Mike". We had a great time playing golf, eating, watching football, laughing and going to a Rays game to see them beat the Blue Jays 4-0. We had GREAT seats....
Our pastor has encouraged the entire church to read a book called "One Month to Live". It's a 30 day read that helps us think about how we should really be living our lives..... I'll share some of this journey with you and hopefully get you to think a little about this yourself.
The authors, Kerry and Chris Shook, tell us to live passionately, love completely, learn humbly and leave boldy. We'll look at these directives closer throughout the upcoming days. I hope you'll come back and join me for the journey.
God bless.

I've said it before, and believe it strongly, that our time can never be spent better than investing in other people. My brother Craig came to town, as well as my best buddy "Iron Mike". We had a great time playing golf, eating, watching football, laughing and going to a Rays game to see them beat the Blue Jays 4-0. We had GREAT seats....
Our pastor has encouraged the entire church to read a book called "One Month to Live". It's a 30 day read that helps us think about how we should really be living our lives..... I'll share some of this journey with you and hopefully get you to think a little about this yourself.
The authors, Kerry and Chris Shook, tell us to live passionately, love completely, learn humbly and leave boldy. We'll look at these directives closer throughout the upcoming days. I hope you'll come back and join me for the journey.
God bless.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Aging with Grace.....
Okay, Grace is the name of my colorectal surgeon...... You know you're getting up there when you have to schedule a colonoscopy. Not a good thing. I've actually had mine already, and am "clean" for 10 years.
However, a friend of mine is having one this week, PLUS an upper endoscopy! I'm assuming this is due to a doctor that was "double dog dared' to do them both at the same time and see if things really do go all the way through.... I'm not sure.
Anyhow, this all reminded me of the famous .... okay, very popular ..... okay, just a little ditty I remember from some time back.
Sit back and enjoy the You Tube video below. I think you'll enjoy it.
However, a friend of mine is having one this week, PLUS an upper endoscopy! I'm assuming this is due to a doctor that was "double dog dared' to do them both at the same time and see if things really do go all the way through.... I'm not sure.
Anyhow, this all reminded me of the famous .... okay, very popular ..... okay, just a little ditty I remember from some time back.
Sit back and enjoy the You Tube video below. I think you'll enjoy it.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Succeed at Failing....
I was reading an article in my Golf Digest today that was interesting. It asked the question "Why do golfers refuse to quit the game?" And the answer was, " They've succeeded at failing".
Very interesting thought process and perspective. My mind began to race (race in slow motion of course -- we're talking MY mind) through the many areas of our lives that we could apply this great lesson on how we handle failure. What came to your mind?
Listen to these additional quotes --
"When failure is the norm, resilience becomes second nature."
"Champions have taught us how to take an experience and essentially write the story of its effect," says Dr. Jim Loeher. "If you see a failure as an opportunity to learn and get better, it will be. If you perceive it as a mortal blow, it will be. In that way, the power of the story is more important than the experience itself."
Think about that for a while today. Let's let resilient be second nature today. Let's agree to do our best at being "good story tellers". Let's make our stories powerful, growing and building off past failures, moving forward, ready to face whatever tomorrow holds with confidence and wisdom.
Very interesting thought process and perspective. My mind began to race (race in slow motion of course -- we're talking MY mind) through the many areas of our lives that we could apply this great lesson on how we handle failure. What came to your mind?
Listen to these additional quotes --
"When failure is the norm, resilience becomes second nature."
"Champions have taught us how to take an experience and essentially write the story of its effect," says Dr. Jim Loeher. "If you see a failure as an opportunity to learn and get better, it will be. If you perceive it as a mortal blow, it will be. In that way, the power of the story is more important than the experience itself."
Think about that for a while today. Let's let resilient be second nature today. Let's agree to do our best at being "good story tellers". Let's make our stories powerful, growing and building off past failures, moving forward, ready to face whatever tomorrow holds with confidence and wisdom.
Monday, September 7, 2009
"Monk Moments"
I am doing extensive research into an unexplored area of psychology, and of course, wisely using that time to work toward my Doctorate in, as I like to call it, "Monkology". Yes, you heard me, Monkology. No, I'm not planning on moving to a monastery or becoming celibate..... (However, I guess I'm part way there..... but I digress.....)
No, I'm talking about "Monk like" actions, as you'd see on the detective TV show. He has his peculiarities, as I contend that we all do. And I think I can prove it. Take today for instance.......
I have a small , blue, plastic garbage can in the corner of my garage. I guess you could call it "purgatory" for the Steenhold garbage. It's where our trash goes temporarily when I don't feel like taking it outside to the main garbage can. (I'm assuming the recycled bottles in the garage pray for that trash to make it to the big garbage can "in the sky" so it doesnt' smell up the garage.....)
Anyway, yesterday I put this garbage can in the corner, but it was backward, with the higher side sticking out when that side really should go against the wall. I said at that time, who cares, I'll be dumping it soon anyhow. Well, that lasted about two trips by the garbage can. Today, I could take it anymore, and HAD to turn the can around properly. That's craziness! It's a garbage can in the stinkin corner of the garage! What's the big deal?
Of course, this is only the tip of the iceberg..... For instance, when I adjust the volumn on the television, for some reason I can't move it from 15 to 19, or 20 to 24.... It either has to be on 20, or I have to move it to 25. The volumn HAS to be on an increment of 5. That makes about as much sense as the 9.7% of unemployeed people in our country today. (Okay, not the same cents.... sorry.)
Now, I told a good friend of mine about this, thinking he would laugh and ridicule me until I cried..... like back in college.... oh, never mind. But no, he just proceeded to tell me how for some strange reason, when he climbs stairs he can't do it without counting them.... no ridicule.
So, come on, I know you're out there. Share with us one of your "Monk Moments". We all need to know we're not the only one's out there. We need to support each other and lead the way, letting the world know that "strange is the new normal"...
I look forward to hearing from you.
No, I'm talking about "Monk like" actions, as you'd see on the detective TV show. He has his peculiarities, as I contend that we all do. And I think I can prove it. Take today for instance.......
I have a small , blue, plastic garbage can in the corner of my garage. I guess you could call it "purgatory" for the Steenhold garbage. It's where our trash goes temporarily when I don't feel like taking it outside to the main garbage can. (I'm assuming the recycled bottles in the garage pray for that trash to make it to the big garbage can "in the sky" so it doesnt' smell up the garage.....)
Anyway, yesterday I put this garbage can in the corner, but it was backward, with the higher side sticking out when that side really should go against the wall. I said at that time, who cares, I'll be dumping it soon anyhow. Well, that lasted about two trips by the garbage can. Today, I could take it anymore, and HAD to turn the can around properly. That's craziness! It's a garbage can in the stinkin corner of the garage! What's the big deal?
Of course, this is only the tip of the iceberg..... For instance, when I adjust the volumn on the television, for some reason I can't move it from 15 to 19, or 20 to 24.... It either has to be on 20, or I have to move it to 25. The volumn HAS to be on an increment of 5. That makes about as much sense as the 9.7% of unemployeed people in our country today. (Okay, not the same cents.... sorry.)
Now, I told a good friend of mine about this, thinking he would laugh and ridicule me until I cried..... like back in college.... oh, never mind. But no, he just proceeded to tell me how for some strange reason, when he climbs stairs he can't do it without counting them.... no ridicule.
So, come on, I know you're out there. Share with us one of your "Monk Moments". We all need to know we're not the only one's out there. We need to support each other and lead the way, letting the world know that "strange is the new normal"...
I look forward to hearing from you.
Friday, September 4, 2009
I'm looking out the window and it's really pretty out.... I also saw my first leaf drop.... which let's me know that.... uhhh.... fall must be real close..... unless it was just a dead leaf.....
(I'm trying really hard to post something every day. Whew, this isn't easy.)
(I'm trying really hard to post something every day. Whew, this isn't easy.)
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Road Rage Tips
Let's just jump right back into this thing....... meaty stuff from the very start...
Say you're in a bad mood, somebody pulls out in front of you and you really want to lay on the horn and then see where things go from there. TIP: You must be observant, and assess the situation first.
For instance, I had that happen to me just yesterday. I was driving along and a ragged, run down muscle car pulled right out in front of me. I wanted to honk, but did I? NO. And do you know why? Because I was observant and assessed the situation. I noticed that the car had just pulled out of the gym...... not a good idea.
Now, if that car had just pulled out of a beauty salon, I'd say lay on the horn and enjoy yourself. After all, what's the worst that could happen.
I know, I know, some of you are thinking, "Hold it Terry, I know some women who I think could beat you up, so that tip doesn't hold water." First of all, maybe or maybe not.... I've been working out, you know. But secondly, think about it. What woman who just had her hair and nails done is going to take the time to try and catch, stop and beat up a 50+ year old man. Uh huh, see what I'm talking about? Be observant and assess the situation first.
So remember, from the gym -- no honk. From the beauty salon -- go for it!
You're welcome. Glad I could be there for you.
It feels good to be back.
Say you're in a bad mood, somebody pulls out in front of you and you really want to lay on the horn and then see where things go from there. TIP: You must be observant, and assess the situation first.
For instance, I had that happen to me just yesterday. I was driving along and a ragged, run down muscle car pulled right out in front of me. I wanted to honk, but did I? NO. And do you know why? Because I was observant and assessed the situation. I noticed that the car had just pulled out of the gym...... not a good idea.
Now, if that car had just pulled out of a beauty salon, I'd say lay on the horn and enjoy yourself. After all, what's the worst that could happen.
I know, I know, some of you are thinking, "Hold it Terry, I know some women who I think could beat you up, so that tip doesn't hold water." First of all, maybe or maybe not.... I've been working out, you know. But secondly, think about it. What woman who just had her hair and nails done is going to take the time to try and catch, stop and beat up a 50+ year old man. Uh huh, see what I'm talking about? Be observant and assess the situation first.
So remember, from the gym -- no honk. From the beauty salon -- go for it!
You're welcome. Glad I could be there for you.
It feels good to be back.
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