"One Month to Live" -- Day 3
Can you think of the last time you asked a friend how he was doing, and he said, "Great. Things are really moving slowly. I have plenty of time to get everthing done and spend quality time with my family and friends." I didn't think so......
We can't change the past, but we can redeem the remaining time. The only way you and I can make the most of our remaining time is to spend each day in such a way that we leave behind a worthwhile legacy on this earth. If you waste your time, you waste your life. And if we're going to use our time in such a way that we leave a lasting mark on the earth, then we have to use our time effectively.
We have all heard about the 80/20 rule. Basically, 20 percent of what you do brings about most of the results in your life, and 80 percent of what you do is pretty much wasted time. If you spend more time in the areas that bring you the most results and less time in ineffective pursuits, then you will accomplish more by doing less!
Our priorities contribute powerfully to how we perceive time and how we spend it. How we invest our time can determine the difference between a sense of contentment, because you know you are doing exactly what you were made for, and a sense of regret. If you want to live with no regrets, then you may need to inventory your life and see how you've been spending your time.
Better yet, do a cost-benefit analysis of your time to determine if how you spend your days produces the benefits you desire. Jack Groppel, a peak-performance coach, says time management is really energy management. I totally agree. You can experience the effect of multiplying your time by effectively managing how you apply your energy each day. If we appreciate our time as a precious gift to spend, then we're much more likely to be engaged and motivated to make it count.
What consumes most of your time each day? How meaningful is it? How satisfying is it? How much of any given day do you spend doing only what you do best? What activities in your life would you consider wasted time? What keeps you from using that time in more meaningful ways?
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