Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Where does a guy begin. There are two theories to arguing with women......neither one works. Just kidding....kind of.

For instance, I don't condone the wedding vows of a friend of mine -- "Do not walk behind me, for I may not lead. Do not walk ahead of me, for I may not follow. Do not walk beside me, either. Just pretty much leave me alone."

Actually, I have a great wife, very supportive, gives of herself and always wants me to be happy. We spend most of our day together and seem to make this work pretty well.
However, I'm still trying to figure her out, even after 31 years.....
For instance, Karen has said for years, and more frequently as of late, that she insists on being the first "to go". (I'm assuming she means die, not calling "first dibs" on the bathroom...) So, if she wants to be the first to go, why would she make such a big deal about driving the car with the bad windshield wipers...... sometimes I just don't get her.


JeffB said...

I think I'll just plain leave that one alone. Why invite trouble??

Karen said...

You are treading on thin ice....