I was talking to a good friend of mine this week and he commented that he had been checking my blog, but I hadn't posted for a while..... I told him I didn't have a lot of time during the Christmas season. But then as I thought about it, I realized time shouldn't matter.....after all, I really don't have much to say anyhow.
I told him, I guess this blog is a little like Seinfeld, "a blog about nothing". How much time does it take to post a blog about nothing.
I should be able to post something about nothing every day. I mean, if Seinfield can be that popular, why can't this blog. I see no reason why tens of thousands won't be reading this blog within the year.
Just to jump start things, I'm going to offer to anybody that clicks that little envelope below and forwards this post to a friend, and in turn, immediately getting them "hooked", 100 doll hairs.....
No, really, I mean it.
Oops, I guess that one doesn't work when your typing does it....only when you just say it. Never mind.
Yada Yada Yada! Ok, maybe the 100 doll hairs WAS funny!
Hello. And Bye.
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