Monday, September 7, 2009

"Monk Moments"

I am doing extensive research into an unexplored area of psychology, and of course, wisely using that time to work toward my Doctorate in, as I like to call it, "Monkology". Yes, you heard me, Monkology. No, I'm not planning on moving to a monastery or becoming celibate..... (However, I guess I'm part way there..... but I digress.....)

No, I'm talking about "Monk like" actions, as you'd see on the detective TV show. He has his peculiarities, as I contend that we all do. And I think I can prove it. Take today for instance.......

I have a small , blue, plastic garbage can in the corner of my garage. I guess you could call it "purgatory" for the Steenhold garbage. It's where our trash goes temporarily when I don't feel like taking it outside to the main garbage can. (I'm assuming the recycled bottles in the garage pray for that trash to make it to the big garbage can "in the sky" so it doesnt' smell up the garage.....)

Anyway, yesterday I put this garbage can in the corner, but it was backward, with the higher side sticking out when that side really should go against the wall. I said at that time, who cares, I'll be dumping it soon anyhow. Well, that lasted about two trips by the garbage can. Today, I could take it anymore, and HAD to turn the can around properly. That's craziness! It's a garbage can in the stinkin corner of the garage! What's the big deal?

Of course, this is only the tip of the iceberg..... For instance, when I adjust the volumn on the television, for some reason I can't move it from 15 to 19, or 20 to 24.... It either has to be on 20, or I have to move it to 25. The volumn HAS to be on an increment of 5. That makes about as much sense as the 9.7% of unemployeed people in our country today. (Okay, not the same cents.... sorry.)

Now, I told a good friend of mine about this, thinking he would laugh and ridicule me until I cried..... like back in college.... oh, never mind. But no, he just proceeded to tell me how for some strange reason, when he climbs stairs he can't do it without counting them.... no ridicule.

So, come on, I know you're out there. Share with us one of your "Monk Moments". We all need to know we're not the only one's out there. We need to support each other and lead the way, letting the world know that "strange is the new normal"...

I look forward to hearing from you.


Sam Rivera said...

OK, how about this one. All the money in my wallet has to be facing the same direction with the smallest bills on the left. It really bugs people when I get some change and have to put it in its proper place before picking up my bags. Thanks for letting me confess, i feel better.

Terry said...

Here's one... when I'm sitting down in church orchestra to play, the music has to be exactly centered on the music stand, and the music light has to be exactly centered over that... with the two of three legs of the music stand pointing at my feet. Can't be off balanced, or the music might not come out all right I guess. Monk meets bass... yikes.

Michelle said...

I think you sound like your a little obsessive/compulsive behaviors. Do you straighten the strings on the rugs...hopefully you don't have those types of rugs or oops...there's another strange behavior. I don't walk on sidewalk cracks when I'm walking outside. I think it's more of they are never even and you can trip up on I walk over the crack!