Sunday, October 18, 2009

Leave Boldly -- Eternal Assurance

30 Days to Live -- Day 29

This journey is almost over, and it has been somewhat thought provoking and enjoyable. I always like to reflect on areas of my life that I can improve on.... I just have trouble getting there before Karen does, (if you know what I mean.....)

To make the best use of our time left on this earth, it really needs to be focused on the things that will pass the test of time.... things that will impact eternity. The author of this book states that there are only two thing that qualify -- God's Word and people.

The Bible says that grass withers and the flowers fade, but the Word of God stands forever (Isaiah 40:8) So when you spend time in God's Word -- building your character, becoming more like Christ, learning the values from God's Word, and applying them -- that lasts forever.

The other eternal investment you can make is in people. People live forever in eternity. So anytime you make a difference in the lives of others, it will last forever. That's why relationships are the most important thing in your life.

What eternal investment have you made this week? How much time have you spent engaged with God's Word? How much time connecting with people in ways that matter most?

Let's keep in mind as we start a new week, that every person we come in contact with is an opportunity that God's given us to have a divine encounter. We can have a positive impact on their life that will have eternal effects. I'll try it if you will.... I "double dog dare you" !!

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