Thursday, October 1, 2009

Love Completely -- Unity

30 Days to Live -- Day 11

Some days this book is more challenging than others. Some can hit me hard, and some don't have much punch to them (for me). Today was an "in-betweener". Today our book talked about some great relational reminders for us all.

Look at these thoughts below --
"In order to persevere and improve our relationships, we first must ..... stop trying to change people and start trying to understand them." (Do you hear that Karen!? just kidding.....)

"It's supernatural to accept the people in my life just the way they are, work on my own faults and character flaws, and trust God to deal with other people." (That sounds great, but is ALOT easier said than done. We think we can deal with people a lot better than God...... )

"The essentials for strong relationships are those small loving actions, all the seemingly insignificant things that mean so much to someone else. When you are inconsistent, telling others how important they are but never following through with loving actions, then the relationships will falter. The clarity and security your loving actions bring to the people around you can't be unerestimated." (Ouch. I've got to remember that little things that don't mean much too me can really speak loudly to somebody else.....)

Suggestion -- Spend time in prayer today for each person you consider essential to your life. Ask God to reveal how you can improve your relationships with these vitally important people.

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