Monday, November 23, 2009

I Don't Need More......

It really shouldn't be too tough to come up with a list of things we're thankful for, should it? And it isn't. However, the problem is our focus. We're so busy with our day to day life, we don't stop and take the time to be that thoughtful. So, it takes a holiday like Thanksgiving to make us pause enough to actually verbalize or "typalize" our thoughts of appreciation.

My pastor made a great statement in his sermon last Sunday. He said, "I wish I had a greater ability to appreciate all that I already have. I don't need more....." See, if we could be more appreciative and thankful, and would let people know, EVERYBODY would be better off. You know how you feel when somebody shows appreciation for you. And you also know how you feel when you see the reaction of somebody you have shown appreciation too... everybody wins!

Let's each see how many random things we can come up with in 5 minutes that we are thankful for.... on your mark, get set, GO!

I'm thankful --
1) for God and His love for me.
2) for Jesus and His willingness to die on a cross for my sins.
3) that I was born and raised in a Christian home, within a caring and happy atmosphere.
4) that God allowed me to meet my wife on that "double dog dare".
5) that my wife saw fit to stay with me through the good and bad over 32 years.
6) for my incredible daughter. She's been a gem over the years, making it easy to be a father.
7) for Moolatte's at DQ.
8) for a great house and neighborhood.
9) for smooth jazz music.... actually most kinds of music.
10) for cable television and the internet.
11) for my pastor and his wife.
12) for all the friends Karen and I have accumulated over the years -- pure gold.
13) for sports -- golf, baseball, basketball, football, tennis, racquetball, ping pong, pool, bowling
14) for always being blessed with a job (except for right out of college and 4 months in 1990)
15) for my cute, aged and going blind Yorkie.
16) for health and being in reasonably good condition.
17) for a good movie or book.
18) for a Carmel Machiatto at Starbuck's.
19) for a Hershey pie at Burger King.
20) for a long straight drive off the tee.
21) for the feeling I get when I finish a hard days work and see a nice, neatly trimmed yard, etc.

Okay, I'm out of time. I probably missed some obvious things, but see how easy it is to be thankful if we'll just take a little time and think about it. Don't let this Thanksgiving holiday pass you by without some time to reflect and share with your family and friends.
God bless you this holiday season.

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