Sunday, January 10, 2010

Motivation to Succeed

I heard the other day that as of January 7th, most new year resolutions are officially broken...... People can only pursue a goal for a week and than give up?!?!  What is all that about?

Now, I didn't make specific resolutions this year, but I AM determined to get in better shape.  (I know, it's all relative.)  One method of motivation is to draw inspiration from a past event or experience.  Let me give you an example of what might have happened to somebody, and see if it would be enough motivation for you to get in better shape.

Okay, let me think of something random... oh, oh, I know.... Say somebody was at the gym working out and this large guy was setting up for a big lift right next to him.... he gets all the weights on and turns to you (I mean "him"), and starts to say something.  He looks you over, stops immediately and just smiles "hi", gets up and goes three machines down and asks a guy to come down and spot him on his lift...... Think about that.  Would that be enough to make you work harder?

Whoever that guy was......I think I'll hang on to that thought, and really work hard this year.

I trust you can find the motivation to change your life for the better this year, no matter what it takes.  Let's crush the one week mark and keep going!  "Let's DO this thing!"

1 comment:

Julie said...

That sounds like my ordeal of tripping up the stairs in front of a "gray hair only allowed, stretching class.". Humiliating. But....I keep on going. Good luck. Maybe you can inspire Josh to go to the gym (not just pay for the membership and never show up). :)