Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Cursing -- #!@*%#?#^@~#

Somebody help me here, as I really don't get it. What's the big deal about cursing as a part of somebody's normal vocabulary?

Earlier this week I played golf with a couple of neighbors. One I really didn't know well, and he didn't know me. The first few sentences out of his mouth were laced with curse words. He wasn't mad, he was just talking....... Within the first few minutes we exchanged what we did for a living, etc. I told him I worked with churches and a little about my background. It was a miracle! From that point in the conversation on, I never heard another swear word out of the man's mouth in 5 hours! How is that?

These people obviously don't have to swear. I mean, when they decide not too, they just quit doing it. So, what entices people to do it in the first place? It's generally not accepted as professional. It usually indicates a lack of refinement. It's always frowned upon around children. Employers are starting to look through facebook pages, etc. at potential employees now. If they see potty mouth used in poor taste, that could be what tips the scales against them for a job.

Why would these people think that some people they know like to hear them swear, but others don't? And how do they determine who enjoys their swearing? As you can see, I have a lot of questions....

I could even understand it a little if they get really mad....hurt themselves....hit a bad golf shot, etc. But to do just because..... I need help here. It doesn't make sense. Does it bother anybody else? If anybody has some insight, I'd love to hear it.


JeffB said...

just tell people to *&#$$ stop swearing!

Terry said...

I never #@*&$% thought of that...thanks.