Monday, January 26, 2009

One of those moments....

Have you ever had one of those profound moments when you fully realized something....even though it has been right in front of you for some time, but you were oblivious to it?
Man, that sure was a gramatically incorrect sentence, if it even was a sentence... However, I have no desire to go back and fix it, so I'll keep moving.

I had one of those moments this weekend. I've always said that I put God first in my life. I mean after all, the bible says if we put God first, all "these things" will be added unto us, right? I mean, who doesn't want "these things"....

Well, it hit me that I wasn't really putting God first in my life. I looked at my schedule, what I filled my day with, etc. and realized that I was fitting him in to available slots, but not giving him first place. It's one thing to have devotions, so you can check it off your list. It's another thing to be consumed with the thought of meeting God personally and getting instructions for the day. See what I'm saying?

That hit me hard. So, I'm trying to re-evaluate my life right now....kind of exam my priorities, and see what I need to do this year to make sure God has first place.

If you haven't thought about it for your own life, why don't you join me?

1 comment:

Ben and Kami said...

once again i enjoyed your thoughts... (do i get the best "commenter" of the year for your blog?)

now having my "office" at home (which is hard with a 2 year old and i am in the dining room) i have been working on my daily schedule and routine and have been adding God in (sounds bad huh) as a priority in my day! I am rambling, but I guess that is what blogs are for!