This blog is going nowhere.....specifically. Each post might be "off the wall", an inspirational thought, spiritual insight, an attempt at humor, or just plain sharing what's on my mind -- the most dangerous of all.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Merry Christmas!
We spent around 18-19 hours in the car..... plus an extra day and night in Wilson, NC, due to the huge blizzard that went through the northeast (making our trip a total of 57 hours) ....... got into huge backups around Washington DC due to snow removal efforts ..... and now have to make the return trip. Would we do it again? Of course!
Otherwise we would have missed our granddaughters first Christmas...... letting her crawl all over me on the floor.... getting those open mouth kisses...... hearing those random laughs whenever she felt like it..... seeing Alison play in the snow for the first time (okay, not really "play", more like lay on the snow in her new snow suit and watch her family have a snow ball fight)..... 24" of snow....... fun Christmas movies........ approximately 10 lbs. of monkey bread consumed by myself.......... my daughter's killer white chicken chili...... and of course, we would have missed making the three anatomically correct snow "people" that represents the Earwood family, right outside their front door. It doesn't get any better than that!
I hope you enjoyed your Christmas time this year as well. I love and appreciate each of you who take the time and effort to share my life through my blog. It's been fun. I hope you all have a great 2010. God bless!
Friday, December 18, 2009
Christmas Season Choices
I think the answer is when we choose to "flip the switch." It has to be a choice we make to quit stressing, stop the running, end the to-do list (no matter how many items are left) and say, "It's time!" We decide to shift our focus from all the "stuff" and refocus our thoughts on the real priorities of the season. (Apparently we need to do the "stuff" to appease our conscience too some degree, or we just couldn't enjoy the holidays at all.) The priorites, as I'm sure you'll agree, are time with our family and reflection on who's birthday it really is. A time of sharing our love, showing appreciation for what our family means to us, and reflecting on what the year brought us.
Another choice that people apparently make this time of year is to decide to be "cheerful". With all the stress so many people are under, it seems strange sometimes to see how friendly some people are. I mean, it usually isn't THAT easy to get out into traffic...... It just shows me that kindness is a decision that we all make every day. Why do we tend to step it up on the holidays? Shame on us. It should be year around.....
Finally, this season is a time to reflect on the past year, and see what we did well and what we could do better. It's then a choice to decide whether we will learn from our last years mistakes, and not make them again this year or not. Can you say "new year resolutions"? I'm not going there now, so just relax and wipe that sweat off the back of your neck.
Karen and I are making a choice tomorrow morning. We're getting in car and driving for 17+ hours through a potential snow and ice storm to visit our "priorities".... our family. We hope that you enjoy the holidays and have "flipped the switch" by now and are in relaxation mode. Don't forget the true reason for the season -- Jesus Christ. God bless you all and Merry Christmas.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Turning Tough Times Into Triumph
Let me highlight a few passages in the book to give you some food for thought --
"It's often during life's most difficult times that we discover our most critical hidden strengths and that we forge our most important capabilities."
So, I guess we need to look at the silverlining during our tough times, huh? It allows our strengths and capabilities to surface. If we didn't go through these times, we may never know we had them. Apparently tough times are good for us......
"The significant problems we are facing cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them." Albert Einstein
So, I guess we need to "think outside the box". We might have to get creative to solve some of these issues. Who knows, we might create an entirely "new world" or paradigm that takes us to a new level.
"Hold hands in traffic"
People naturally want to blame someone other than themselves in times of crisis. This phrase serves to remind us that it is in difficult times that we most need one another and most need to stick together. We have to remember that we're in control of how we respond to a situation. We shouldn't blame outside forces. We need to focus on attacking our problems and not one another.
"It takes pressure to get people out of their comfort zone to change. Any meaningful change is painful, which causes people to naturally start to feel anxious"
The book relayed that the key to anxiety is focusing on the correct anxiety. There are two types of anxiety -- one is caused by the fear of change, while the other is the fear of what will happen to you if you don't change.
Just some food for thought...... I hope you triumph over your tough times, if that's where you are right now. I know that's my goal.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Boys Forever.....
Anyway, I saw a great example of this phenomenon at the airport yesterday. I was riding the tram from the terminal to the airside. I was watching the 5-8 people get on as the doors closed. The lovely ladies voice reminded us to hold on to the pole as we pulled away, as it is not safe and we would probably fall....
So what happens..... the ladies all reached out and grabbed the poles to steady themselves as the tram took off. However, EVERY man chose NOT to hang on to the pole, but braced their bodies to compensate for the take off! One man was actually holding the pole, and when the lady told us to hang on, took his hand OFF!
You see, men love a physical challenge, not to mention making a game out of anything they can. A lady uses wisdom and chooses to safely make it to airside without a busted lip. A guy throws caution to the wind to prove that they can stay up during this challenging ride....risking physical harm and an embarassing fall just to prove he can do it. Or at least try, and set a new time record before grabbing the pole...
What can I say.... long live the little boys in each of us!
Friday, December 4, 2009
The Power of a Smile
I'm looking out my office window at the steady rain falling. It's suppose to last for a couple days. It's amazing how we take the sun for granted down here in Florida. My work has not been going too well as of late. It seems like every situation is a hassle, with very little good news or success. It makes it hard to feel like you're accomplishing something for God in your work, when you aren't able to help the churches your working with. So.... I'm having a down day today, and to be honest, really don't mind it. I don't have them very often, but when I do, I kind of enjoy them. I know that sounds weird, but I guess every now and then I feel like I need to be honest with myself and not act like I'm enjoying life today when I'm not.
I know how to get myself out of those moods, as I'm sure you do too. (And when I feel like it, I will... thank you very much.) For instance, you can 1) look at all the blessings in your life; 2) reflect on others less fortunate than you; 3) pause and consider what's the worst that could happen in this situation; 4) realize how little this will matter to you in 5 years; or finally, 5) see somebody smile at you with genuine joy.
We should never underestimate the power of a smile. Our facial expressions can be so impacting to the people we come in contact with. To often, we lose sight of the influence we have to make somebody's day better, or make it a little worse..... So remember today to let the joy within you reflect on your face today. Your smile can be contagious. You know that happiness is really surface, right? The deep down joy we have in our lives comes from our relationship with Jesus Christ. That doesn't go away easy.....we just have to remind ourselves sometimes it's in there.
I can never stay too melancholy while I'm working, because I'm using the picture below as my desktop background. In fact, everytime I look at it, I just have to smile back..... When you see it, you'll know what I'm talking about. SMILE TODAY! It's really not that bad.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Home Sweet Home
We're all getting older, but that doesn't mean we have to mature, right? I hope not, as it's not something we appear to be reaching anytime soon. We DID have a lot of laughs and fun though, but tried not to lose sight of the incredible reasons we have to be thankful (starting with our family).
Iowa gave me just a little reminder of it's cold nights and windy days, but then treated me to a couple sunny days to remind me of what I had just left behind...... You might have to look a little bit closer at times, but there is still a lot of beauty in the old home state. (I haven't confirmed if the state tree is really the telephone pole, but I'm checking my sources.)
Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to get back to finishing off the homemade peanut brittle, chocolate covered peanuts, chocolate chip-cheerio cookies and the last three pieces of pie...... Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!
Monday, November 23, 2009
I Don't Need More......
My pastor made a great statement in his sermon last Sunday. He said, "I wish I had a greater ability to appreciate all that I already have. I don't need more....." See, if we could be more appreciative and thankful, and would let people know, EVERYBODY would be better off. You know how you feel when somebody shows appreciation for you. And you also know how you feel when you see the reaction of somebody you have shown appreciation too... everybody wins!
Let's each see how many random things we can come up with in 5 minutes that we are thankful for.... on your mark, get set, GO!
I'm thankful --
1) for God and His love for me.
2) for Jesus and His willingness to die on a cross for my sins.
3) that I was born and raised in a Christian home, within a caring and happy atmosphere.
4) that God allowed me to meet my wife on that "double dog dare".
5) that my wife saw fit to stay with me through the good and bad over 32 years.
6) for my incredible daughter. She's been a gem over the years, making it easy to be a father.
7) for Moolatte's at DQ.
8) for a great house and neighborhood.
9) for smooth jazz music.... actually most kinds of music.
10) for cable television and the internet.
11) for my pastor and his wife.
12) for all the friends Karen and I have accumulated over the years -- pure gold.
13) for sports -- golf, baseball, basketball, football, tennis, racquetball, ping pong, pool, bowling
14) for always being blessed with a job (except for right out of college and 4 months in 1990)
15) for my cute, aged and going blind Yorkie.
16) for health and being in reasonably good condition.
17) for a good movie or book.
18) for a Carmel Machiatto at Starbuck's.
19) for a Hershey pie at Burger King.
20) for a long straight drive off the tee.
21) for the feeling I get when I finish a hard days work and see a nice, neatly trimmed yard, etc.
Okay, I'm out of time. I probably missed some obvious things, but see how easy it is to be thankful if we'll just take a little time and think about it. Don't let this Thanksgiving holiday pass you by without some time to reflect and share with your family and friends.
God bless you this holiday season.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Eye kneed an ink lash tea cheer
Let me show you what I mean ........ as I randomly think of something to write about --
Eye stink aisle bee gin two get red d four a good knights ssss leap. Tanks fore your in tress inn my you neak righting sty l ...."
Feel free to comment back by sharing your own unique line or two. It's really kind of fun.... I know, I must be pretty bored tonight, right?
Thursday, November 12, 2009
The Cleaning Lady
During my second month of college, our professor gave us a pop quiz. I was a conscientious student and had breezed through the questions until I read the last one: "What is the first name of the woman who cleans the school?" Surely this was some kind of joke. I had seen the cleaning woman several times. She was tall, dark haired and in her 50's, but how would I know her name?
I handed in my paper, leaving the last question blank. Just before class ended, one student asked if the last question would count toward our quiz grade. "Absolutely," said the professor. "In your careers, you will meet many people. All are significant. They deserve your attention and care, even if all you do is smile and say "hello".
I've never forgotten that lesson. I also learned her name ...... Dorothy.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Professional Weight Lifter
So, basically, I'm using $2.25 worth of water that the gym is paying for. If I go to the gym 4 times a week, that's $9 worth of water a week...... which is about $36 per month. My gym membership is only $33!
Therefore, I am making $3 a month off my gym! I am literally getting paid to go to the gym and work out. Some people would actually say that I was a "professional weight lifter"....
Let's all pause and think about that for a few minutes...... thanks.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
A Fish Story
Coincidently, a group of 11 men from CLAY men's ministry in Clearwater had determined to take a deep sea fishing trip that same day. They hired two boats, each with a captain and mate, and headed out to sea for the day. It was a beautiful day, sunshine with calm winds and a moderate temperature. What a great time of trying to put an end to large fishes lives by tricking them into eating pinfish that had hooks in them. These hooks were attached to an almost invisible line that could then be used to pull those fish into their boat and put them in an ice chest to flop around until they die. All without the fish being able to stop them.
The men went out as far as 18 miles and stopped at various places throughout the gulf, keeping some fish, but throwing back many that were too small. Late in the afternoon it was time to head home, but they felt they should stop one more time before they called it a day...... about a mile off of Clearwater Beach........
That's when these two worlds collided...... Man vs. Fish..... dum da dum dum, dum da dum dum DUM! (Please sing that part.)
Okay, I won't bore you with the rest of this drawn out story. Suffice it to say I was the winner of this man vs. fish battle. The last catch of the day before we went in. It was my turn to watch THAT pole, and when it started bending I knew I had won the jack pot. I was able to pull in the biggest catch of the day, and loved every minute of it. He ran about 100yds, let me pull it in some, and took off some more, but I was finally able to get it into the boat..... Sweet!
Of course, I'll include a picture so you don't think this is just another fish story. I know how those one armed fisherman are when they're telling their stories....
My only real disappointment of the day was that morning when I asked my pastor to leave his boat and come over to ours to talk and he wouldn't walk over to us..... I'm starting to get a little concerned. Maybe he's not all he says he is.....
Anyway, a day that will go down in the Steen anals (is that how you spell that?) of fishing....

Wednesday, October 28, 2009
It Doesn't Get Any Better Than This...
Alie smiles a lot..... is crawling and pulling herself up..... eating baby food..... LOVES Honey Bear, our dog (proven by little squeals)..... makes little bubbles in the pool.... and tends to have bowel movements when nobody is around except Grandpa.....
It's a blast to just sit on the floor and watch her play, and have her crawl around on you..... it's the grandpa thing kicking in.
Here's a pretty good video showing how much Alie likes Honey Bear. Honey trieds to be a good host, but realizes he needs to keep his distance to make sure he keeps his fur and ears....
Monday, October 26, 2009
Old Age.....
A lady came up to get some herself, and I said "how many different vitamins can they think of?" She acknowledged, and noticed I had Centrum Silver in my hand. (I thought I better check out the "Silver", since it said it was for those over 50 ...... (look of depression).)
She said, "I use the regular Centrum rather than the Silver option. The Silver one doesn't appear to have iron in it, but the regular one does." "Than what makes "Silver" so special", I asked? She said the Silver option has vitamins for the mind...........
It became an easy decision after that. There's two choices. I have a clear mind, but no energy to go anywhere, or I have a lot of energy, but don't know where I am...... I'd much rather not be lost the rest of my life.
We now have Centrum Silver in the cabinet. This getting old thing is for the birds.........
Friday, October 23, 2009
Handy Man, Shmandy Man
That was my first mistake. I decided to do it myself. I mean money is a little tight, we don't want to be wasteful in these trying economic times...... so I though, "how tough can this be?"
I'll try and keep this short, but let me just start out by addressing the "prep work" -- meaning clean and pressure wash the area. My pressure washer didn't work, so I loaded it up and took it in for repair -- "can't be repaired, get a new one". I went and bought a new one. Loaded it, unloaded it, put it together, added oil and gas, started it, wouldn't work. Called the store -- "doesn't appear to work, bring it back and we'll exchange it for you." Took it apart, reloaded it, unloaded it, got another one, loaded it, unloaded it, put it together, added oil and gas, started it.... it worked! See how simple that was. Now I'm ready to START "prep" work.
Add that to the fact I had to take the initially recommended 3 gallons of stain back because it didn't work on existing paint as I was told be "experts" that it would. Then went to two other paint stores before I could get what I needed to paint the deck -- it was not a pretty beginning to a simple project.
I could go on, but needless to say, the deck is now down. Two coats of bright white paint making the deck look like a million bucks.... actually more like $470 when you add in the new pressure washer, not to mention 20-25 hours of "prep time" to complete the job.
Just a word of advise. When you are thinking about doing the job yourself, I don't care HOW small it is.... DON'T DO IT! The satisfaction of a job well done is NOT what it's cracked up to be.
I feel better now.......
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Leave Boldly -- Eternal Assurance
This journey is almost over, and it has been somewhat thought provoking and enjoyable. I always like to reflect on areas of my life that I can improve on.... I just have trouble getting there before Karen does, (if you know what I mean.....)
To make the best use of our time left on this earth, it really needs to be focused on the things that will pass the test of time.... things that will impact eternity. The author of this book states that there are only two thing that qualify -- God's Word and people.
The Bible says that grass withers and the flowers fade, but the Word of God stands forever (Isaiah 40:8) So when you spend time in God's Word -- building your character, becoming more like Christ, learning the values from God's Word, and applying them -- that lasts forever.
The other eternal investment you can make is in people. People live forever in eternity. So anytime you make a difference in the lives of others, it will last forever. That's why relationships are the most important thing in your life.
What eternal investment have you made this week? How much time have you spent engaged with God's Word? How much time connecting with people in ways that matter most?
Let's keep in mind as we start a new week, that every person we come in contact with is an opportunity that God's given us to have a divine encounter. We can have a positive impact on their life that will have eternal effects. I'll try it if you will.... I "double dog dare you" !!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Fall Has Fell
Honey enjoyed the walk too, except for the pesky kids that want to pet him and the other dogs that want to check out his "private parts", (if you know what I mean)...... let's face it. You wouldn't want strangers doing that to you, would you?
It was nice to stroll along and chat with the neighbors that participated in our annual neighborhood garage sale. We even contributed to the economy by spending $8.25 on our tour. Is it not amazing that people charge so little for all those items, and you still have bartering going on. "50 cents!?!? for that book. NO way. Will you take 25?" You gotta be kidding. Do they just expect the people to give stuff to them and then help them load it in their car? It's laughable how people can be.
We came home with about eight Disney video's and a book as we continue to build a library for our granddaughter, Alison. Great investment of money and time.
I think we'll spend the rest of the day eating.......including enjoying the evening with some lifelong friends. Hope you're enjoying your fall Saturday as well.
God bless.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Possible Surprise Party......
Anyway, I had a nice day. Thanks for asking. I've got a friend that likes to do crazy stuff on his birthday. Like, he'll set a goal to bench press 250 lbs like 100 times in one hour. Stuff like that to show a birthday means nothing to him.... he's not aging.
Well, neither am I! I thought I'd do the same thing this year. After all, if he can do it, why can't I? He doesn't have the corner on good ideas, right? So, I decided I'd REALLY get "mad crazy" -- I made myself do one pushup for every......... decade..... I'm not joking, really. Okay, after I did the first five for the 50 years, I went a step further. I started the next pushup and went down.... that was for 4 years... and just didn't come back up. I'll come back up on that one in around 6 years.
My other option was to swim a length of my pool for every......decade.... I'm not joking, really. But I couldn't get my goggles on tight, or my floaties to stay up on my arms well. So I didn't. It's a pretty long pool actually, when you really look at it.....
I'm anxious to see what wild and crazy thing I can think of to do NEXT year....
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Another Birthday coming......
So far I've been overwhelmed with my first three, and my birthday isn't until tomorrow. The first one was from my dentist office. I didn't realize it, but apparently I'm a special patient. (I try hard to be friendly and courteous when I'm in there, and not cry (too much), but I didn't realize how special that made me...) It looks like all the staff took the time to sign my card as well. That must have been a real hassle for them to have to stop everything to sign my card like that. That DOES give me a special feeling though. I'm assuming they all signed it..... apparently they all used the same black pen.
My second card was from my insurance agent. She asked me to celebrate and have a "wonderful" birthday. I think she also signed this one herself, because the other printing was black and red, and apparently she used a blue pen to sign my card. She runs the entire office and takes the time to sign MY birthday card. It doesnt' get any better than this. And how could there be an ulterior motive? Very soon they won't be insuring my house, as they're pulling out of the state.
My third card, (and I'm assuming more will come pouring in here soon, as my actual birthday isn't until tomorrow..... so I don't even want to TRY and predict the final total....) was from Southwest Airlines. Can you imagine an airline that I've only flown 3-4 times taking the time to send me a card on my birthday? Me neither.
If I have the time (I'm sure you understand), I'll try and keep you updated as more come in.... this is going to be a pretty exciting time around the Steen house for the next couple days....
Oh, and finally, my wife found this cartoon in the paper today, and thought of me immediately. I didn't think it was that funny.....

Sunday, October 4, 2009
Love Completely -- Thanking Those Around You
What a great reminder today about being grateful for the incredible life we have. We should NEVER take the little things for granted, or the people in our lives. Listen to these thoughts --
"Gratitude expands our hearts. We become fully aware of the details of the life we love, the simple things that delight us, and, perhaps most of all, the people God has placed in our lives. Simply stated, gratitude expands our capacity to enjoy life."
"Ingratitude has the opposite effect. It causes our hearts to shrink and become colder. It blocks the flow of God's wisdom and blessings in our lives. In fact, the opposite of a heart of gratitude is a heart of dissatisfaction, grumbling, complaints, and negativity."
"If you only had one month to live, you'd want to make the most of it. To laugh and fully engage with the people you love. To appreciate the little things, the ones that might seem silly to others but that delight your soul, and to give God thanks for allowing you to experience them."
..............Speaking of "laugh and fully engage with the people you love"..... the other morning I was in bed looking at Karen as she slept. She woke up and saw me watching her. She said, "What?" I said, "Nothing, I'm just observing you in your natural habitat"..... she kicked me three times...... playfully...... I think. That might seem "silly to others", but it "delights my soul".
Don't let today go by without stopping to thank God for the small things that make life beautiful. Take the time to make a list of five or six little things that you often take for granted.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Love Completely -- Unity
Some days this book is more challenging than others. Some can hit me hard, and some don't have much punch to them (for me). Today was an "in-betweener". Today our book talked about some great relational reminders for us all.
Look at these thoughts below --
"In order to persevere and improve our relationships, we first must ..... stop trying to change people and start trying to understand them." (Do you hear that Karen!? just kidding.....)
"It's supernatural to accept the people in my life just the way they are, work on my own faults and character flaws, and trust God to deal with other people." (That sounds great, but is ALOT easier said than done. We think we can deal with people a lot better than God...... )
"The essentials for strong relationships are those small loving actions, all the seemingly insignificant things that mean so much to someone else. When you are inconsistent, telling others how important they are but never following through with loving actions, then the relationships will falter. The clarity and security your loving actions bring to the people around you can't be unerestimated." (Ouch. I've got to remember that little things that don't mean much too me can really speak loudly to somebody else.....)
Suggestion -- Spend time in prayer today for each person you consider essential to your life. Ask God to reveal how you can improve your relationships with these vitally important people.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Love Completely -- Exploring the Depths of Forgiveness
I know a few people (I won't mention names) that come to mind when I think about forgiveness. Mostly those who have trouble forgiving, not those who do it readily and quickly...... This issue has not been a particular problem for me....(I've got plenty of others to keep me busy)... but I have definitely seen the destruction take place.
Listen to this passage from the book --
"If you try to live without forgiving, you won't survive. It is essential that we forgive for our own sakes; otherwise we'll drown in betterness. The deeper you allow yourself to go into the ocean of resentment, the more you'll feel the pressure and the stress. Eventually the pressure will become so intense that your relatioships, joy, and health will be crushed. Medical and psychological research reveal that bitterness and resentment have devastating effects. We think that if we hold on to our hurt, we're getting b ack at the person who injured us. In reality we're just hurting ourselves. If we wnat to enjoy our lives to the fullest, we must release the bitterness."
If you only had one month to live, what would you ask forgiveness for? From whom? Whom would you need to forgive?
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Live Passionately -- The Test of Time
Can you think of the last time you asked a friend how he was doing, and he said, "Great. Things are really moving slowly. I have plenty of time to get everthing done and spend quality time with my family and friends." I didn't think so......
We can't change the past, but we can redeem the remaining time. The only way you and I can make the most of our remaining time is to spend each day in such a way that we leave behind a worthwhile legacy on this earth. If you waste your time, you waste your life. And if we're going to use our time in such a way that we leave a lasting mark on the earth, then we have to use our time effectively.
We have all heard about the 80/20 rule. Basically, 20 percent of what you do brings about most of the results in your life, and 80 percent of what you do is pretty much wasted time. If you spend more time in the areas that bring you the most results and less time in ineffective pursuits, then you will accomplish more by doing less!
Our priorities contribute powerfully to how we perceive time and how we spend it. How we invest our time can determine the difference between a sense of contentment, because you know you are doing exactly what you were made for, and a sense of regret. If you want to live with no regrets, then you may need to inventory your life and see how you've been spending your time.
Better yet, do a cost-benefit analysis of your time to determine if how you spend your days produces the benefits you desire. Jack Groppel, a peak-performance coach, says time management is really energy management. I totally agree. You can experience the effect of multiplying your time by effectively managing how you apply your energy each day. If we appreciate our time as a precious gift to spend, then we're much more likely to be engaged and motivated to make it count.
What consumes most of your time each day? How meaningful is it? How satisfying is it? How much of any given day do you spend doing only what you do best? What activities in your life would you consider wasted time? What keeps you from using that time in more meaningful ways?
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Live Passionately -- Someday Syndrome
Often we're tempted to play it safe and settle for far less than we were made for. I know so many people whose favorite day of the week is Someday. Someday. One day. When. If. Then it's over. When are we going to wake up and realize this is life?
God did not design us simply to stand by and watch life pass as we wonder why we aren't more fulfilled. God created us to take risks in faith and to conquer the giants that paralyze us with fear. (Remember that little shepherd boy David?) Saul and the army of Israel were operating on the basis of reason. David was operating on the basis of faith. When you're operating on the basis of reason, all you can see is how big your giants are. If you're operating in faith, all you can see is how small your giants are compared to God. The one thing that separated David from the thousands who were there that day was ridiculous faith.
The world says, "Don't be ridiculous; be reasonable. Don't stand out. Don't take risks; play it safe, and make security and comfort your primary goals in life." God calls us to a life of faith, lving every moment all out for Him.
Are you doing anything in your life right now that requires faith? If not, why not? Are you looking at life from God's perspective or from a ground-level perspective?
I know, I know.....

I've said it before, and believe it strongly, that our time can never be spent better than investing in other people. My brother Craig came to town, as well as my best buddy "Iron Mike". We had a great time playing golf, eating, watching football, laughing and going to a Rays game to see them beat the Blue Jays 4-0. We had GREAT seats....
Our pastor has encouraged the entire church to read a book called "One Month to Live". It's a 30 day read that helps us think about how we should really be living our lives..... I'll share some of this journey with you and hopefully get you to think a little about this yourself.
The authors, Kerry and Chris Shook, tell us to live passionately, love completely, learn humbly and leave boldy. We'll look at these directives closer throughout the upcoming days. I hope you'll come back and join me for the journey.
God bless.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Aging with Grace.....
However, a friend of mine is having one this week, PLUS an upper endoscopy! I'm assuming this is due to a doctor that was "double dog dared' to do them both at the same time and see if things really do go all the way through.... I'm not sure.
Anyhow, this all reminded me of the famous .... okay, very popular ..... okay, just a little ditty I remember from some time back.
Sit back and enjoy the You Tube video below. I think you'll enjoy it.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Succeed at Failing....
Very interesting thought process and perspective. My mind began to race (race in slow motion of course -- we're talking MY mind) through the many areas of our lives that we could apply this great lesson on how we handle failure. What came to your mind?
Listen to these additional quotes --
"When failure is the norm, resilience becomes second nature."
"Champions have taught us how to take an experience and essentially write the story of its effect," says Dr. Jim Loeher. "If you see a failure as an opportunity to learn and get better, it will be. If you perceive it as a mortal blow, it will be. In that way, the power of the story is more important than the experience itself."
Think about that for a while today. Let's let resilient be second nature today. Let's agree to do our best at being "good story tellers". Let's make our stories powerful, growing and building off past failures, moving forward, ready to face whatever tomorrow holds with confidence and wisdom.
Monday, September 7, 2009
"Monk Moments"
No, I'm talking about "Monk like" actions, as you'd see on the detective TV show. He has his peculiarities, as I contend that we all do. And I think I can prove it. Take today for instance.......
I have a small , blue, plastic garbage can in the corner of my garage. I guess you could call it "purgatory" for the Steenhold garbage. It's where our trash goes temporarily when I don't feel like taking it outside to the main garbage can. (I'm assuming the recycled bottles in the garage pray for that trash to make it to the big garbage can "in the sky" so it doesnt' smell up the garage.....)
Anyway, yesterday I put this garbage can in the corner, but it was backward, with the higher side sticking out when that side really should go against the wall. I said at that time, who cares, I'll be dumping it soon anyhow. Well, that lasted about two trips by the garbage can. Today, I could take it anymore, and HAD to turn the can around properly. That's craziness! It's a garbage can in the stinkin corner of the garage! What's the big deal?
Of course, this is only the tip of the iceberg..... For instance, when I adjust the volumn on the television, for some reason I can't move it from 15 to 19, or 20 to 24.... It either has to be on 20, or I have to move it to 25. The volumn HAS to be on an increment of 5. That makes about as much sense as the 9.7% of unemployeed people in our country today. (Okay, not the same cents.... sorry.)
Now, I told a good friend of mine about this, thinking he would laugh and ridicule me until I cried..... like back in college.... oh, never mind. But no, he just proceeded to tell me how for some strange reason, when he climbs stairs he can't do it without counting them.... no ridicule.
So, come on, I know you're out there. Share with us one of your "Monk Moments". We all need to know we're not the only one's out there. We need to support each other and lead the way, letting the world know that "strange is the new normal"...
I look forward to hearing from you.
Friday, September 4, 2009
(I'm trying really hard to post something every day. Whew, this isn't easy.)
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Road Rage Tips
Say you're in a bad mood, somebody pulls out in front of you and you really want to lay on the horn and then see where things go from there. TIP: You must be observant, and assess the situation first.
For instance, I had that happen to me just yesterday. I was driving along and a ragged, run down muscle car pulled right out in front of me. I wanted to honk, but did I? NO. And do you know why? Because I was observant and assessed the situation. I noticed that the car had just pulled out of the gym...... not a good idea.
Now, if that car had just pulled out of a beauty salon, I'd say lay on the horn and enjoy yourself. After all, what's the worst that could happen.
I know, I know, some of you are thinking, "Hold it Terry, I know some women who I think could beat you up, so that tip doesn't hold water." First of all, maybe or maybe not.... I've been working out, you know. But secondly, think about it. What woman who just had her hair and nails done is going to take the time to try and catch, stop and beat up a 50+ year old man. Uh huh, see what I'm talking about? Be observant and assess the situation first.
So remember, from the gym -- no honk. From the beauty salon -- go for it!
You're welcome. Glad I could be there for you.
It feels good to be back.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Lazy Days of Summer
I think I'm ready to get back on this "horse", and share some of my thoughts and experiences again, whether you want them or not.....
I just wanted to prepare you so you had time to cover your ears, etc. Stay posted. We can all experience and share things together.
God bless.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Grandpa duty calls.....

Thursday, April 9, 2009
Advice For the Gym Rat.....

Wednesday, April 8, 2009
What Really Makes You Rich?
When you're on your death bed, what else will come to mind, what else will you reflect on, what else will you take pride in, what else will seem well worth the investment, what else will make you feel like a rich person .... than the friends you've made over the course of your lifetime.
Never think you're too busy to invest in and develop friendships. As I reflect on my life to this point, friends are a priceless commodity. The stockmarket can go as low as it wants, but the value of my friendships steadily grows as the years fly by. And you know, it really doesn't take that much time to create a lasting friendship when things click.
Yesterday I had a chance to "catch up" with a couple old college baseball teammates. And when I say "old", I mean, "old". I haven't seen Lonnie "Flame" Spencer for around 33 years! He, Scott Laing and I had a great time enjoying the memories of the good ol' years. We realized how much fun we had in those few years of college that has bonded us, and helped make a connection that will last for a lifetime, no matter where we are or when we meet again. When you think about that, it's really amazing. We picked up where we left off in college.... unbelievable.

Which makes me think about today......what am I doing to add value to my "friend portfolio"? Can I ever have enough friends? Isn't there somebody that I come in contact with now, that if I made an effort to spent more time with, I could let them "diversify" my "friend portfolio". They could be another friend that if I saw in another 30 years, I would be able to have a great day, catching up where we left off last, and enjoying the day together.
Let's commit to making more friends in the days ahead. I guess the easiest way is by being the kind of friend to others we would want them to be to us, and making the effort. Yes, it is hard work, but that's probably one effort I don't think we'll ever lose our investment on.....
Monday, March 30, 2009

I can't imagine the pressure the pro's play under, as we put enough pressure on ourselves, just knowing the infamous "17th" was coming up. Our wives even came out to see us hit our tee shots on the last two holes....I thought it better not to take too much time to think, and .....wait a minute, I guess I never take too much time to think.... never mind. Anyway, I thought I'd hit "an easy" 8 iron to the green, a mere, yet daunting, 124 yards away...... (I may have never prayed harder then when that ball was in the air.... okay I guess this morning when I thought Dunkin Doughnuts was out of jelly filled doughnuts I prayed pretty hard too.)
Well, as you can imagine, since I'm continuing to tell this story, it had to have a happy ending or a really embarrassing one....that's the way golfers are. So, I dropped it 5-8 feet short of the pin, almost hitting the stick as it rolled 6' 8" past the pin for the closest to the pin award for the tournament....simply as that. Of all the holes to actually hit my 8 iron well on, this was a day to remember forever.... and I will.

Now I know this is boring to you, but please humor me and play along. This was a great day in the very ordinary golf life of Terry Steen. On to the Senior Tour!
Thanks for staying with me on this one...... remember, nothing tastes better than a nice salty nut.....
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Deep in Thought....
Anyhow, I'm not sure, but I think when I took a shower today, I washed my body three times and my hair twice. Everytime I was standing there under the water, I'd think, did I finish or just get get just to play it safe, I'd wash again. Better safe than sorry.
I knew deep thought wasn't going to work for me long term. My water bill keeps going higher.
What? Oh, my deep thoughts? I think I was deciding if I like Dunkin' Doughnuts Bavarian Creme filled are better than Maple Frosted.
Friday, March 20, 2009
So Far, So Good.....
I'm sure you're pleased that I haven't bothered you with a plethura of grandkid pictures that all look the same.....(They don't look the same to the grandparent, of course.) Believe me I have them.....look on my facebook page..... well over 100 I think. (Okay, by popular demand, I'll weed those down to a reasonable amount.)
I still can't believe my daughter had a child!?! How old am I anyway? I don't feel that old... Okay, that was kind of a lie. I actually am starting to feel I put these glasses on to see the screen better.
I'm going to show you a video so you can see how incredibly beautiful my offspring's offspring is. No, there is really no option on this.
Need I say more? I didn't think so.
Go ahead, watch it again......and again...... and again, just like me........
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Who knew grandparenting would be so hard?
I've got decisions to make NOW, so Alison can begin pursuing her future with proper planning and intelligence....
My biggest dilemma now is if I think she should be a super model or a doctor?
I don't want her to get off on the wrong foot. One thought I had, that seems to be my best work so far, is to FIRST be a super model, and make a lot of money fast. THEN she can go to medical school and be a doctor. Of course, it would be good for her to get a law degree on the side. Then she can defend herself against the crazy, frivilous law suits.... you know about our litigious society....
Anyway, it MY problem, not yours, or anybody elses for that matter, so I guess I shouldn't be bothering you with this.... you go ahead, enjoy your day. Don't worry about me. I'll be okay.....
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Yesterday was in the top .0026% of my life!
Okay, let's think. What could possibly happen during a day that would make it one of the top five days of someone's life?
Yes, birth is a good start -- 10/9/1955..... that's ONE. My spiritual RE-birth is another, the day I accepted Jesus as my personal Savior and Lord -- 4/13/1963..... that's TWO. The day I married my beautiful wife -- 8/6/1977..... that's THREE (you thought I forgot, didn't you). The day my incredibly gorgeous daughter was born -- 7/22/1983..... AND yesterday, the day I was able to hold Alison Nicole Earwood..... my 4 hour old, new born granddaughter. It doesn't get any better than that. I could have stared and stroked and cuddled and whispered to her ALL day long....
Karen and I have been praying for her long before she entered this world. And we knew she'd be special to us. BUT, until we got to see her and hold her, we really couldn't explain just how special we anticipate she is going to be in our lives...... We are so excited to have her a part of the family. We will count it a priviledge and humble honor to be able to impart any knowledge, wisdom or character we can into that incredible life. We believe the Lord has unfathomable greatness for that girl.
She has already stolen my heart, and I'm sure, very soon my pocket book and everything else I own..... This is going to add a whole new dimension to our lives, and we are excited! So, thank you Ashley and Paul for making this one of the best days of my life. I'll never forget it.
Paul, for once I forgive you for not listening to what I've told you to do. You know I warned you about never "touching" my daughter. You obviously ignored me.... but I guess I can live with it.... and maybe we can renegotiate for about 3 or 4 more of these unforgettable days......
Bring on 19,127......
Monday, March 2, 2009
Keys to Success, Part II
I know there is a lot of jealousy by many over the higher IQ's that some of us share over the normal person. Well, Malcolm makes a strong case for the idea that there is actually a threshold that, when crossed, gives you as much of a chance for intellectual success, as anybody on earth.
So, if you have an IQ over 140, you've passed the threshold. You are really just as capable as somebody with an IQ of 200! Tell me you don't feel better now. I know I did when I read that.
I guess just to make sure, I'll retest to actually see where I fall..... I mean, really, that whole thing about not drinking Kool-Aid because I couldn't figure out how to put two quarts of water in those little envelopes was a joke.... I mean it.....
Friday, February 27, 2009
Pessimism is an attitude.
"Pessimism is a disease. Once people get to thinking negatively, it does something to their mental calculations. soon they are adding only the dismal moments of life, multiplying only the despairing minutes, and recording only the dark moments of the soul.
Pessimism is like a polluted stream. Its aroma lingers over every plan, its path crosses every beautiful possibility, and its contribution to life is always in what it withholds.
Pessimism is an attitude. It is the way people look at things, how they react, how they plan their lives. If they listen to the bad side, and react and plan accordingly, their attitude is pessimistic."
Ain't it the truth. Let's look for the good in our day and others...... see Phillipians 4:8.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Keys to Success
This book gives me hope. He basically is dispelling the myths that only the geniuses, the super talented, or those with great athletic body's have the ability to be truly successful.
He submits that what some interpret as an incredibly gifted person, is really more a matter of opportunity -- whether it's what month that person was born in a given year, or what decade that person was born in the scope of history. They both have an impact on the opportunities provided the individual, which has a greater impact on their success than their abilities or intellect. (Alright, I still have a chance....)
Gladwell also says that there is a common thread that weaves it's way through the background of all the truly successful people he talked with. And that is 10,000 hours. He said that all those people could reflect back to at least 10,000 hours of practice or work exposure on the talent or skill that made them successful. So, if you what to be successful, start today! You only need to break through that 10,000 hour threshold and you are on your way! (For me, it may not be too late to be one of the greatest clarinet players in the world. Let's see now, I played from 4th grade to 11th grade...there's 60 hours of practice....I guess I only need 9,940 more!)
Here's too success! Let's look for the opportunities, practice hard, and believe with God's help, he has great success in store for our lives.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Intimacy of Marriage
I hope you enjoy it.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Ear Hair in Traffic
Here's my concern, which was very vividly brought to my attention this morning as I was driving my car in what is now, pretty busy Tampa traffic (thanks to all the snow birds...) If I caused an accident by rear ending another car, and the REASON was that I was trying to look at my ears in the rearview mirror and see if I needed to trim my ear hair, should I tell the truth? Or would that get me in more trouble? (It was a close one, I'll tell you that.)
Finally, something that was worth writing about. Who knows how many people reading this will think twice before checking their ears in traffic. Glad I could be there for you. I feel like my day is now fulfilled.
I promise, I'll start doing better, as I know what torture it is not hearing from me. Some of you have probably lost the will to live..... Hang in there!
Monday, February 2, 2009
Big Fish in a Small Pond
My older brother and his wife came down to enjoy some Florida weather, getting out of the sub-zero snow and ice of Iowa. (Even the state trees -- the telephone poles -- are bowing under the weight...) But, I digress again...
We took them to something they could never experience in Iowa -- The Cumquat Festival in downtown Dade City. Talk about excitement! Now, actually it was enjoyable with ALOT of people, but I'm talking the proverbial "little pond" called Dade City. Just try and figure out what a cumquat really is...... let me know when you find out.
As we walked, we ran across the Cumquat Festival QUEEN, in all her glory, along with her "court". Now, she was a very cute girl, and seemed to be having fun. And she got a lot of attention, etc. It had to be a real treat to win this out of all her peers, etc. But, come on, the Cumquat Festival Queen from Dade City...... is that something that will go on the resume to guarantee that big job opportunity?
Anyway, I say enjoy the days of being a big fish any chance you get, because we all feel like the little fish most of the time......
Hope you have a "big fish" day today.
Monday, January 26, 2009
One of those moments....
Man, that sure was a gramatically incorrect sentence, if it even was a sentence... However, I have no desire to go back and fix it, so I'll keep moving.
I had one of those moments this weekend. I've always said that I put God first in my life. I mean after all, the bible says if we put God first, all "these things" will be added unto us, right? I mean, who doesn't want "these things"....
Well, it hit me that I wasn't really putting God first in my life. I looked at my schedule, what I filled my day with, etc. and realized that I was fitting him in to available slots, but not giving him first place. It's one thing to have devotions, so you can check it off your list. It's another thing to be consumed with the thought of meeting God personally and getting instructions for the day. See what I'm saying?
That hit me hard. So, I'm trying to re-evaluate my life right now....kind of exam my priorities, and see what I need to do this year to make sure God has first place.
If you haven't thought about it for your own life, why don't you join me?
Friday, January 23, 2009
Laughter is contagious
If you can listen to this guy's descriptive story, as well as listen to his laugh, and not find yourself laughing yourself, you've got some real problems. Enjoy.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Cursing -- #!@*%#?#^@~#
Earlier this week I played golf with a couple of neighbors. One I really didn't know well, and he didn't know me. The first few sentences out of his mouth were laced with curse words. He wasn't mad, he was just talking....... Within the first few minutes we exchanged what we did for a living, etc. I told him I worked with churches and a little about my background. It was a miracle! From that point in the conversation on, I never heard another swear word out of the man's mouth in 5 hours! How is that?
These people obviously don't have to swear. I mean, when they decide not too, they just quit doing it. So, what entices people to do it in the first place? It's generally not accepted as professional. It usually indicates a lack of refinement. It's always frowned upon around children. Employers are starting to look through facebook pages, etc. at potential employees now. If they see potty mouth used in poor taste, that could be what tips the scales against them for a job.
Why would these people think that some people they know like to hear them swear, but others don't? And how do they determine who enjoys their swearing? As you can see, I have a lot of questions....
I could even understand it a little if they get really mad....hurt themselves....hit a bad golf shot, etc. But to do just because..... I need help here. It doesn't make sense. Does it bother anybody else? If anybody has some insight, I'd love to hear it.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
For example, today it was down right cold in Florida. He haven't been in the 30's all year, and this morning it was a nippy 37 degrees.......
Earlier today my daughter in Springfield, MO, let me know she didn't want to hear about it, as she was looking at a single digit 9 on her thermometer....... I was wrong earlier. Now THAT's cold!
I just got off the phone with my brother who lives in Iowa. Uh huh, you know where I'm going..... 29 degrees BELOW zero, with a wind chill of 50 below! I mean it this time, THAT'S cold!
Should I go on?
No matter what goes on during our day, week, month or year, I can promise you I can find somebody going through a worse time or situation -- which of course will make you feel a lot better about your circumstances...... Keep that in mind the next time your finances look in shambles, or the car breaks down, or you don't feel like you have any time to yourself, etc.....
One last thought to make my point --
Tomorrow go to the pharmacy and purchase a rectal thermometer made by Johnson & Johnson. Take out the literature from the box and read it carefully. You will notice in small print that there is a statement: "Every rectal thermometer made by Johnson & Johnson has been personally tested and then sanitized."
Now repeat after me, Thank God I don't work in the thermometer quality control department for Johnson & Johnson.
Glad I could be there for you. Let's look for the best in the day and I'm sure we'll find it.
God bless.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Speaking of resolutions...
Anyway, I'm sitting on the stationary bike, watching the individual television attached to the machine, and scanning through the channels. As I'm doing that, I kind of get daydreaming.... I come around again and realize I just stopped the tv on a commercial for Flomax! I'm going, oh NO! The entire gym behind me is thinking I'm trying to memorize the number on the screen.... So I quickly change it to a manly sports channel and really start pumping those legs...... This old age thing is not fun. (I really do wish I had memorized that number.)
I did have one minor victory however. Do you remember doing a hurdler's stretch? You're legs are basically like a hurdler' is straight out on the floor, and the other one is tucked back behind you, knee out at a 90 degree angle... yeah, that one. Well.... I actually, after a full week, am now limber enough to get my legs in position to begin doing that stretch.
No, I didn't say I was stretching from that position. I said, I just got flexible enough to get in the starting position....victory is sweet.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
New Year's Resolutions
I always set goals, (not necessarily resolutions). You have all year to reach your goal, but can feel like you failed whenever you make a resolution to change something, and revert back to an old habit. Try making a goal that you have time to achieve, and then what you might have wanted to accomplish through a resolution may just happen while trying to reach your goal.
For instance, one of my goals this year is to read the bible through, as well as an additional 24 books. Now to do this, I'm probably going to need to reduce the amount of time I spend watching television...... I could have made a resolution that I was going to cut back on my television and be more productive with my time. However, by focusing on the long term goal of reading, as a by product, I will need to naturally reduce my television time. It's so much better to focus on the success of reaching my reading goal rather than constantly fighting with myself over how much time I want television.... did that make any sense.
So, I challenge you to set a goal for the year, not a resolution. Pick an area -- physically, spiritually, mentally, socially -- just get started. Then tell somebody, so you're accountable. Like I just did to the thousands reading this..... okay to both of you reading this blog. You are welcome to ask me how I'm doing with my reading this year. That will keep me going.
Happy 2009! Let's enjoy it together.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
"A blog about nothing"
I told him, I guess this blog is a little like Seinfeld, "a blog about nothing". How much time does it take to post a blog about nothing.
I should be able to post something about nothing every day. I mean, if Seinfield can be that popular, why can't this blog. I see no reason why tens of thousands won't be reading this blog within the year.
Just to jump start things, I'm going to offer to anybody that clicks that little envelope below and forwards this post to a friend, and in turn, immediately getting them "hooked", 100 doll hairs.....
No, really, I mean it.
Oops, I guess that one doesn't work when your typing does it....only when you just say it. Never mind.